
Imagine you are a robber and you have found a large stash of valuables. Each valuable has a value and a weight. You can only hold 10kg in your bag and you want to find the highest valued haul you can get away with.

  • Necklace: $10, 1kg
  • Stack of cash: $270, 3kg
  • Jewelry: $665, 7kg
  • Rare painting: $900, 9kg

Let's try a greedy approach: we will take the items with the highest value to weight ratio.

  • Necklace: $10/kg
  • Stack of cash: $90/kg
  • Jewelry: $95/kg
  • Rare painting: $100/kg

The greedy approach will choose the rare painting and the necklace for a total of $910. However if we take the jewelry and the stack of cash we will get $935 and still fit it into the bag. How can we solve this problem? The answer is dynamic programming.


Let's first write a more formal definition of the problem:

Given n objects, each associated with a positive weight and value, and a maximum total weight W that we can hold, what is the maximum value we can hold. In the zero/one knapsack problem, there is only one of each object so we either take it or leave it.

Let's write a more specific version of the problem: we want to find the maximum value that a bag with maximum weight W can hold of N objects with positive weight and value which we can either take or not take.

The base case for this is trivial. With zero weight, the maximum value you can have is 0.

We now have to break this problem down into subproblems.

Now we want to find the maximum value for a bag of maximum weight W and assessing all N objects. Since we have already assessed up to N-1 objects we only need to assess the Nth object. For the Nth object we can either take it or leave it.

If we leave it, then it is the same as a bag of maximum weight W with N-1 objects because we are just ignoring the Nth object.

 max value leaving = maximum value of N-1 objects with weight W

If we take it, then we need to find the maximum value thats possible while making room for that object and add that to the value of the object.

max value taking = (maximum value of N-1 objects seen with weight W-weight of object N) + value of object N. 

If we want the maximum value of assessing N objects and maximum weight W then we want the max of leaving the Nth object and taking the Nth object so:

max value = max( maximum value taking, maximum value leaving)
max value = max( maximum value of N-1 objects with weight W, (maximum value of N-1 objects with weight W - weight of N) + value of N))

Putting it all together we have:

Let weight[i] be the weight of object i
Let value[i] be the value of object i

Let knapsack[i][j] be the maximum value that a knapsack of maximum weight j can hold with objects seen from 1 to i

Base case:
knapsack[0][0] = 0

knapsack[i][j] = max(knapsack[i-1][j-weight[i]], knapsack[i-1][j-1])



  1. Given a list of n objects with a positive weight and value, find the maximum value that can be obtained with maximum weight W. However, each object can be used more than once.